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The English lexicon in Japanese song lyrics
Nowadays the spreading of the Asian mass culture is increasing. It earns the interest of people all over the world, that's why it has to be closer to the West culture. Besides the influence of English language is very high in such Asian countries as Thailand, Philippines, South Korea, Japan and others. The clash of these two factors gives us an interesting occurrence – the using of English vocabulary and syntactic patterns in the song's lyrics. The material of our analysis will be the lyrics of Japan musical group Kanjani8, because it belongs to the most popular in Asia, America and Europe agency, Johnny & Associates, and its lyrics are very significant to disclosure the researching phenomena.
We should make a stipulation about the material. We don't take for research English words which became a part of active Japanese lexicon and underwent some phonetic changes. These are words as "sutoresu" (stress), "pawa" (power) etc.
The majority of used words are in not serious energetic dance songs. That's why they don't carry an important meaning. These words are put in the text without any grammar linkage and express emotional condition. They are such nouns as "love", "baby", "show", adverbs "high", "up", "down ", verbs "rock", "shake", "come on" etc. The using of these words can be significant to the researching the frequency of English lexicon in countries where English is not a native language.
The other picture we can see in more serious songs. Generally in such songs isn't used an English lexicon but if authors do it they create the whole English syntactic constructions built on the rules of English grammar. We can give examples from the songs "Do you agree" and "Eden": "I don't know what to say", "Should I laugh or should I cry?", "We are searching for the truth", "Won’t you stay by my side". We should note that in lyrics American colloquial words are used more often than literary: "Cause we gonna reach for the Eden…" It can be used exactly because of the spreading and popularity of American mass culture in Japan.
The most interesting fact in these lyrics is the using of English words in Japanese syntactic patterns. We sorted out the most often cases of blending Japanese and English languages: 1) the construction of belonging with Japanese case indicator "no". For example: "My honey no Birthday", "ore no Example" ("my example"); 2) using the groups of words without any grammar indicators and prepositions: "Go Bar", "Cafe Surprise Present For You", "All back play game". We think that this phenomenon is connected with two factors: on the one hand English is analytical language and it is taken as language without any grammar indicators and on the other hand Japanese rapid speech allows omitting some cases indicators; 3) The changes in the word order of English sentences to subordinate it to the Japanese word order. In Japanese language the verb always stand in the end of the sentence. For example, in sentence "I'm gonna supiido kette" (I'm gonna to kick up the speed") they put a Japanese verb to the end in spite of the fact that all sentence s in English.
One else phenomenon in lyrics is the using incorrect word combinations. The most demonstrative examples are combinations "rolling coaster" and "heavenly psycho". The first one contains a lexical mistake. The song is built on the metaphorical comparison between love story and park amusement. That's why it should be the combination "roller coaster". The other example is more varied in probable meanings. The word "psycho" in English means the human who is ill by the any mental illness but in the context of word combination it becomes senseless. Besides wider context of the sentence in lyrics ("Mune ni heavenly psycho" – "In my heart is heavenly psycho") allow us to conclude that the author of lyrics meant the word "psychosis". Supposedly that this mistake is provoked by the needs of the rhythm of the song.
Completing our presentation we can make a hypothetical conclusion that the using of English lexicon in Japanese language consciousness implies the connotation of ambitiousness. Despite of this fact they usually aren't taken for the explaining of serious conditions or expressing serious feelings. So that we can say about perception foreign words even in songs as a alien elements. Of course it needs a further research.